Before the Show

Over the next 4 months we will be exhibiting in Salisbury, London, Sevenoaks, Crowthorne, Edinburgh, Winchester and Hamburg. And BREATHE… Faced with such a busy calendar, preparation is key and in our workshop we have a tried-and-tested checklist of 4 basic but crucial things to do in the run-up to a show.

4 Important Things To Do Before a Show:

1. Polish the silver

Over the last few months we have developed a number of new pieces,  mainly vases and carafes, that need to be perfected, polished and hallmarked, ready to go on display.

2. Paint the stand

With every new season, there is new work to put on show and this requires a fresh, pristine display to show off the silverware at its best.

Tressle table

3. Pick your wardrobe

Always a dilemma… It can be difficult to predict the weather conditions for shows in the autumn and of course wardrobe choices are different for indoor and outdoor shows.

*Mr Bingley’s Top Tip: “Stick to leopard-skin. It’s my trademark and has never let me down yet.”

Bingley in the wardrobe

4. Practice your dance steps

After the long summer break, some of us might need to refresh the XY Ballet. Practice makes perfect! Play the video for our latest rehearsal:

​For more information on all our autumn shows, click here.